ASECS 2018
Annual Meeting
Joint Meeting with SEASECS
Hilton Buena Vista Palace
Orlando, Florida
22-24 March 2018
Important Information for Panelists and Chairs
Members who are unable to attend the ASECS Annual Meeting due to weather related cancellation should contact their session chairs, and may request to have their paper read aloud. Skype is not possible.
Remember: To appear in the Annual Meeting program, you must be a current member of ASECS or an ISECS-affiliate society as of January 1.
You may join ASECS or renew your membership by visiting:
The ASECS Business Office does not process membership payments, but if you have questions about your membership status, please do not hesitate to contact us.
SEASECS Members: To appear in the Annual Meeting program, you must be a current member of SEASECS.
You may join SEASECS or renew your membership by visiting: http://www.seasecs.org/membership/.

What is ASECS?
The American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies is an interdisciplinary group dedicated to the advancement of scholarship in all aspects of the period . . . from the later seventeenth through the early nineteenth century.
Established in 1969, the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies advances study and research in the history of a time that has profoundly influenced our world. ASECS is a pioneer in interdisciplinary investigation, and it therefore welcomes as members those working in all areas of scholarly inquiry pertinent to eighteenth-century studies.
For more information, please visit: https://asecs.press.jhu.edu/
What is SEASECS?
The Southeastern American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies is an interdisciplinary society promoting the interchange of ideas and information on the culture, history, literature, philosophy, politics, music, economics, architecture, art, medicine, and science of the eighteenth-century world.
For more information, please visit: http://www.seasecs.org/

An Open Forum to discuss the draft of ASECS’s proposed policy on Harassment and Professional Conduct will be held on Thursday, 22 March 2018, 1:00-2:00 pm. You may find a copy of the draft policy here:
The ASECS Annual Meeting Program can be accessed here:
You may also access the ASECS Annual Meeting Program, as well as the registration form, on Google Drive:
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