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Winners of the INNOVATIVE COURSE DESIGN Competition

(previously the Teaching Competition)


To encourage excellence in undergraduate teaching of the eighteenth century, the Society invites proposals for the ASECS Innovative Course Design Competition, from members in any of its constituent disciplines. Proposals should be for a new course or for a new unit within an existing course; the course should never have been taught or have been taught very recently for the first time.


From 1987 to 2001, essays describing the winning courses appeared in Teaching the Eighteenth Century, a booklet published by ASECS and distributed free to members of the Society.


Scans of those booklets, and essays about the winning courses from subsequent, are being added to the website at [link].




Mattie Burkert, Utah State University, “Haunted by History: The Deep Eighteenth Century”

Fiona Ritchie, McGill University, “Topics in Drama: The Trans Eighteenth Century”

Rachel Seiler-Smith, Georgia Institute of Technology, “Encrypting Romanticism”




Anna Foy, University of Alabama in Huntsville, “Enlightenment Impartiality in the Age of Trump”

Aaron Santesso, Georgia Tech, “Enlightenment Technologies of Communication”

Colleen Taylor, Boston College, “Queens, Cathleens and Wild Irish Girls: Women in Irish Literature before 1900”




Kevin Bourque, “Enlightenment Appetites”

Deirdre Loughridge, “Eighteenth-Century Origins”

Robin Runia, “Writing Women and Race”




Catherine Ingrassia, “Cultures of Captivity in the Long Eighteenth Century”

Kailan Rubinoff, “Music and the Grand Tour”

Jane Wessel and Matthew J. Kinservik, “Making Shakespeare”




Michael Gavin, “Modeling Literary History: Quantitative Approaches to the Enlightenment”

Estelle Joubert, “Music in the Global Eighteenth Century: A New Course Proposal”

Sean Silver, “The Novel and the Museum”




Peggy Schaller Elliott, "Teaching Modern Strategies through Early Modern Fairy Tales"

Courtney Weiss Smith, "Science and/as Literature in Early Modern England"

Steven Thomas, "Pirates, Puritans, and the Revolutionary Atlantic World"




Gillian Paku, "Authorial Identity: What's in a Name?"
Marvin Lansverk, "Storytelling the Eighteenth Century: Novelists, Narratives, and the Rise of the Novel"
Fiona Ritchie and Thomas Fish, "Popular Entertainment in the Long Eighteenth Century"




Susan Lanser and Jane Kamensky, "London in the Long Eighteenth-Century: People, Culture, City"
Janie Vanpee, "Re-Membering Marie Antoinette"
Zach Hutchins, "American Love Letters"




Richard Bell, University of Maryland, “Pursuits of Happiness: Ordinary Lives in the American Revolution”
Roger Schmidt, Idaho State University, “How to Forge a Jane Austen Manuscript”
Katharine Hamerton, Columbia College, Chicago, “Taste and Consumption in French History”
Honorable Mention: Mary Trouille, “The Eighteenth-Century on Film”




Paula Loscocco, "Special Victims"
Nicholas D. Nace, "Pamela and Lolita"
Pascale Rihouet, "Eighteenth-Century French Art"




David A. Brewer, "Novelistic Markets and Pleasure"
Sarah Day-O'Connell, “Listening to Music In/Of the Eighteenth Century: Destablizing the Survey, Grounding the Topic Course"
Kathryn Lowerre, “Music in London during the 'Long' Eighteenth-Century, 1660-1814"




Rachel Crawford, “Teaching Eighteenth-Century British Literature and Cartography” 
Christine Jones, “Dramatis Personae: An Online Performance Archive”
Clorinda Donato, Tim Keirn, and Norbert Schürer, “The Global Eighteenth Century”




John Patrick Greene, "Discovering the Exotic in the Eighteenth Century"
Andrew Hottle, "The Adventures of an Eighteenth-Century Woman"
Christine Lupton, "Everyday Life and the Eighteenth Century"




Anthony Krupp, “Philosophies of Childhood in the Eighteenth-Century” 
Cameron McFarlane and Lisa Zeitz, “Performing the Past: Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Dramas” 
Amy Witherbee, “Hogarth’s Eighteenth Century”




Amy Wolf, “The Coffeehouse Culture of Eighteenth-Century England” 
Dena Goodman, “The French Enlightenment” 
Jennifer Frangos and Cristobal Silva, “Transatlantic Eighteenth Century (England and the New

World/America and the Old World)”



Cynthia Klekar, “Fictions of the Gift: Generosity and Obligation in Eighteenth-Century English Literature”
Carrie Hintz, “Nell Gwyn and Restoration Culture”
Elizabeth Child, “Eighteenth-Century Studies and Brit Lit Survey: A Course Proposal”



Carole Martin, "From Court to Street in Eighteenth-Century France"
Jane Milling and Cynthia Richards, "The World Wide Web: Untangling Transatlantic Connections in the Work of Aphra Behn"
Steve Newman, "The Textual City: London and Philadelphia in Literature from the Great Fire to the Present"



Heidi Bostic, "Gendered Declarations in French Revolutionary Culture"
Cheryl Nixon, "Orphans, Wards, and Lost Children: Eighteenth-Century Facts and Fiction"
Nancy November, "Re-Voicing the Canon: 'Voice' in Eighteenth-Century Musical Thought"


2000 and 2001: Teaching the Eighteenth Century, Volume 8

Michael Burden, "Opera on the Stage in London, 1700-1800"
Shari Evans and Mary Rooks, "No Place Like Home?: The Politics of Home-spaces in the Eighteenth Century Premise"
Mary Trouille, "Marriage and Domestic Violence in Eighteenth-Century French Literature and Society"

James E. Evans, "An Inclusive Cultural History of Early Eighteenth-Century British Literature"
Jenn Fishman, "Stage and Page: Theater and the Novel in Eighteenth- Century Literary Culture"
Lisa M. Zeitz, " Landscape and Nation in Eighteenth-Century Britain"


1998 and 1999: Teaching the Eighteenth Century, Volume 7

Lisa Berglund, "Samuel Johnson and the Eighteenth-Century Reader"
Richard Frohock, "America in British Consciousness, 1660-1750"
Elizabeth Teare, "Knaves and Fools: History, Satire, and the Rise of the Novel"

Astrida Tantillo, "Creating Nature: German Science, Literature, and Philosophy"
Jennifer Thorn, "Eighteenth-Century British Orientalism"
Maureen Harkin, "Women and the Visual Arts in Eighteenth-Century Britain"


1996: Teaching the Eighteenth Century, Volume 6

Barbara Ching and Kay Easson, "Discerning Taste"
Jon O'Brien, "Grub Street: The Literary and the Literatory in Eighteenth-Century Britain"
Miriam L. Wallace and Jocelyn van Tuyl, "The French Revolution in the Cultural Imagination: Eighteenth-Century France and Britain"


1995: Teaching the Eighteenth Century, Volume 5

Patricia Cleary and Elizabeth Young, "Women in England and America, 1688-1800"
Michael J. Conlon, "Literature and Performance in Eighteenth-Century England"
Jane Girdham, "Musical Life in the Late Eighteenth Century"


1994 (Not Awarded)


1993: Teaching the Eighteenth Century, Volume 4

Joan Gundersen and Madeleine Marshall, "The Transatlantic Conversation, 1650-1776"
Susan Sage Heinzelman, "Legal Facts and Feminist Fictions: Laws of Evidence and Women's Writing 1688-1760"
Cheryl Lambert, "The Role of the Scientist and the Role of the Reader: Science and Literature in the Eighteenth Century"


1992 (Not Awarded)


1991: Teaching the Eighteenth Century, Volume 3

Beth Fowkes Tobin, "The Representation of Poverty in England, 1730-1830"
Wendy Furman and Paula Radisich, "The Pursuit of Happiness/Vanity of Human Wishes. A Pair of Courses"
Peter V. Conroy, Jr., "History, Comedy, Tragedy: The Enlightenment Novel"


1989-1990 (No Award Given)


1988: Teaching the Eighteenth Century, Volume 2

Jill Campbell, "Problems of Gender in Early Eighteenth-Century Literature"
Margaret Darrow, Virginia Swain, and Susanne Zantop, "Rights and Rebels: The Roots of Individualism"
Daniel E. Williams, "Early American Prose Narratives: A Course Proposal"


1987: Teaching the Eighteenth Century, Volume 1

Cynthia L. Caywood, "Beyond Tokenism: Including Women Writers in Eighteenth-Century Courses"
Nelson Hilton, "Blake Rouses the Faculties"
Lance Wilcox, "The Age of Tormented Reason"

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