The Huntington Library Quarterly invites submissions for the Huntington Centennial Essay Prize. Offered in celebration of the Huntington Library’s centennial in 2019–20, the prize aims to promote scholarship in British and American studies from the sixteenth through the long eighteenth centuries. The journal encourages interdisciplinary approaches and embraces research in all humanities fields. The competition is open to scholars at any stage. Essays need not be based on research in the Huntington Library’s collections.
The prize carries a cash award of $1,000usd to the author, and the winning essay will be published in the journal. Entries must not have been published or be under submission elsewhere. In addition to appearing in the print publication and in Project MUSE for subscribers, the essay will be freely available on the journal’s Penn Press website and promoted there for the period of a year.
Application should be made via the HLQ’s online review and submission system, Submission deadline: October 1, 2019. Word limit: 10,000 words, including notes. Details at