Now Available: Paper, Ink, and Achievement: Gabriel Hornstein and the Revival of Eighteenth-Century
Now Available: Paper, Ink, and Achievement: Gabriel Hornstein and the Revival of Eighteenth-Century Scholarship
Celebrating the life and career of a publisher, bibliophile, and avid conversationalist who continues to benefit our profession and specialty through the journals, bibliographies, books, and facsimiles that he sponsored, this Festschrift includes essays addressing three of “Gabe’s” favorite interests: publishing; neglected authors; and offbeat modes and genres. As befits the career of a publisher who served generation after generation, Paper, Ink, and Achievement includes essays from seniors, starters, the middle-aged, and the ageless, all while covering a global eighteenth century reaching from Kyoto to the colonies to Cumbria. There are very few enthusiasts for the Enlightenment whose careers have not been touched, however lightly, by Gabriel Hornstein—a universality of influence joyously honored by the nine energetic authors in this edifying commemorative volume.
Paper, Ink, and Achievement, co-edited by Cedric Reverand II and Kevin Cope, will be officially released on October 16 but may already be ordered in a variety of formats from the Bucknell University Press. The direct link to the Bucknell order site for this attractive volume is . The volume includes an introduction as well as Cedric Reverand’s vivid biographical essay on Gabriel Hornstein.