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ASECS Executive Board Nominations Invited

The ASECS Nominating Committee invites members of ASECS to submit nominations (including self-nominations) for the Executive Board positions of Second Vice President and Member-at-Large, for three-year terms beginning on 1 July 2022. There are two openings for Member-at-Large.

Following ASECS’s bylaws and the charge of the committee, the Nominating Committee is seeking candidates from a range of disciplinary fields, academic ranks, and academic institutions. In the interest of fostering a Society that is fully inclusive at all levels of leadership, the Nominating Committee is encouraged to seek diversity, gender balance, and representation of constituencies that are currently underrepresented both within and outside ASECS.

If you have questions about the duties of Executive Board members or wish to make a nomination, contact Nominating Committee chair Clorinda Donato ( If you submit a name for consideration, it would be helpful to include a link to a bio or C.V., and in the case of self-nominations to include a brief statement as to why you are interested in serving on the Executive Board.

Lisa Berglund, Ph.D.

Executive Director, American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies Professor and Chair, English Department

SUNY Buffalo State College

Ketchum Hall 327A

Buffalo, NY 14222


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