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ASECS Town Hall

Dear ASECS members,

We invite you to join us for a virtual Town Hall that will take place on Wednesday, August 18 from 4-5:30 pm EDT. The event is designed to provide information about the Society and its governance, as well as to discuss equitable opportunities for members to get involved and propose actionable change. More broadly, we want to have an inclusive conversation about who we are as a community, who we would like to be, and how we might get there.

We are trying to gauge the number of attendees to determine the most effective format and finalize the agenda. Please RSVP by no later than July 20 if you plan to attend, and we will follow up with details soon after. (Members will still be able to register and attend after this date, but this will help us plan.) You can respond by adding your name to this google form, and if you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to write to this address:

Many thanks for your attention, enjoy the summer and take care.

All best,

Town Hall Task Force Committee:

Misty Anderson, Professor of English and Theatre, University of Tennessee, Women’s Caucus Trustee

Catherine Jaffe, Professor of Spanish Literature, Texas State University, ASECS Member-at-Large

Travis Chi Wing Lau, Assistant Professor of English, Kenyon College, DEIA Committee Member

Meredith Martin, Associate Professor of Art History, New York University, ASECS Vice President

Sal Nicolazzo, Assistant Professor of Literature, UCSD, ASECS Race and Empire Caucus member and former co-chair

Christy Pichichero, Associate Professor of History and French, George Mason University, ASECS Delegate to ISECS and Committee on Harassment Member

Jed Surio, Graduate Student, Tulane University, ASECS Graduate Student Caucus Member


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