CFP: Early Career Grant for Enlightenment Research 2022
Early Career Grant for Enlightenment Research 2022
Sponsored by the Chair for Modern Written Culture and European Knowledge Transfer and the Interdisciplinary Centre for European Enlightenment Studies (IZEA) of Martin Luther University HalleWittenberg
Call for Proposals
In the last decades, Enlightenment research has been diversified, increasingly considering the European and global dimension including different linguistic areas. In consequence, early career researchers face the challenge to take into account the international discussion with its diverse interdisciplinary issues as well as complex states of research. In order to respond to the increasing significance of Enlightenment research and to provide a forum for early career researchers from the humanities and the social sciences, the Chair for Modern Written Culture and European Knowledge Transfer and the Interdisciplinary Centre for European Enlightenment Studies of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg announce an Early Career Grant for Enlightenment Research. Complementing the current diverse research landscape, the grant aims at offering the opportunity to early career researchers to introduce new contexts, readings and approaches and to discuss and refine these in a sophisticated setting.
The Chair for Modern Written Culture and European Knowledge Transfer and the Interdisciplinary Centre for European Enlightenment Studies support individual researchers or a group of early career researchers (doctoral and/or post-doctoral researchers, a maximum of 3 researchers) with a sum of 4,500 Euros for the independent conception, organisation and realisation of a two-day workshop for early career researchers. We are looking forward to proposals from the entire field of the humanities and social sciences.
The first workshop is to take place in Halle an der Saale in the summer term of 2022. A workshop venue will be supplied at IZEA. The grant provides basic funding (travel and accommodation costs, catering). If necessary, the IZEA offers assistance in the application for additional funding as well as in the publication of the contributions. Please send a short proposal with a concise description of the topic or research question (max. 2 pages), a sketch of the format of the event, and a list of the potential contributors including the manner of their participation (e.g. presentation, respondence) by 30 April 2021 to Prof. Elisabeth Décultot ( and Mike Rottmann ( We also ask for a short CV from all applicants.
In case of questions, please turn to Mike Rottmann (