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Dec. 10- Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde Seminar

On behalf of the University of Minnesota “Enlightenment Unbound” group, funded by a National Endowment for the Humanities Digital Humanities Advancement Grant, we invite you to join us for our third and last for 2021 CCR-ASECS seminar – plans for seminars in 2022 are underway so please contact me if you are interested in leading one – to be held in person on the UMN Campus in HHH 20 and live on Zoom on Friday December 10 at 11am Central time (9am in Los Angeles; 12 noon in New York and Toronto; 5pm (17H) in London; and 6pm (18H) in Amsterdam and Zurich).

The seminar will be led by Anne C. Vila, Department of French and Italian, University of Wisconsin, Madison (which no longer possesses Paul Bunyan’s Axe, but I digress). It will be based on her paper “The 'French Convulsionaries’ and their Fellow Fanatics in Bernard and Picart’s Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde,” which is derived from her book in progress titled Convulsive Enlightenment: Lives and After Lives of the Convulsionnaires in French Culture and Theory (18th to 21st Centuries). Vila describes the chapter as an analysis of “the nuances of Jean Frédéric Bernard’s treatment of the Convulsionnaires and other fanatical groups in Volume 6 [of the CCR].” The chapter is available now for download and reading to those who register to participate at: (N.B. for those who registered previously for all three seminars, including this one, apologies for the double email, and please visit the registration portal again to see the final page which lists the paper download link. If you have any problems finding the paper, please email me and I will send you the link).

The seminar will be held as a live and interactive Zoom session. Zoom details are provided after your registration at the link above. The seminar will also be recorded for webcast later on the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies YouTube channel. For more information on these webcasts, please contact the ASECS office at

Please circulate this email widely and invite any interested participants to join us. We look forward to seeing many of you in person and in the Zoomiverse in the coming weeks. All best,

J.B. Shank


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