We are pleased to announce that registration is NOW OPEN for the ASECS 2021 Online Annual meeting! Visit https://registration.socio.events/e/asecs2021 to register. Remember you must be a member of ASECS or ISECS to present at the annual meeting. If you need to join or renew your membership, you may do so on the registration form or by visiting https://asecs.press.jhu.edu/membership/join.
We have included a tutorial for registration below. If you have any difficulty registering, please don’t hesitate to contact the ASECS Office at asecsoffice@gmail.com.
Welcome to ASECS 2021!
Lisa Berglund and Aimee Levesque
ASECS Office
Tutorial for Purchasing Your ASECS 2021 Online Annual Meeting Registration Ticket
Visit https://registration.socio.events/e/asecs2021 and read the “About Us” Section. Select which ticket type you would like to purchase and how many tickets you would like to purchase, and then click the blue button labeled “Get Ticket.”
Next, fill out your First and Last name, as well as a valid email. Then review the ASECS Harassment Policy and Participant Agreement and select your preferred response to them. After that, click on the blue button labeled “Continue.”
Then fill in your payment information, review and check off the terms and conditions box, and click on the blue button labeled “Place Order.” Finally, check your email – you’ll receive receipt for your purchase! Note: The link to access the Annual Meeting platform will be emailed to you in early April. In the meantime, you may visit https://www.asecs2021.org/ where we are continuing to add information about the meeting's events and logistics.
And that’s it! You will then be officially registered for the ASECS 2021 Online Annual Meeting!