Society for Eighteenth-Century Music Eighth Biennial Conference: Musical Interconnection
Society for Eighteenth-Century Music Rescheduled Eighth Biennial Conference: Musical Interconnections August 4–7, 2021 Royal Swedish Academy of Music, Stockholm
(Further details forthcoming on our website.) The Society for Eighteenth-Century Music has rescheduled its ninth biennial conference to Wednesday, August 4–Saturday, August 7, 2021. The conference, a collaboration with the Royal Swedish Academy of Music, will be held in Stockholm, Sweden. Presenters whose proposals were accepted for the planned 2020 meeting need not resubmit. Those who have not informed the program committee chair of their intention to attend the 2021 meeting must do so before February 15. Revised abstracts are due by February 15, 2021. Other SECM members and colleagues around the world are invited to submit proposals on all aspects of eighteenth-century music for the rescheduled meeting in 2021. Proposals addressing musical interconnections between the Americas and Europe in the eighteenth century are particularly welcome. Presentations may be formal papers (30-minute slots), panel discussions (45-minute slots) or in alternative formats (30–45-minute slots). Presentations will be given in English. Submit your proposal (up to 350 words) as an e-mail attachment in pdf format to program chair Janet K. Page at Please provide two versions of the abstract, one with title and abstract only and one including name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, institutional affiliation or city, and A/V requirements. Students will also attach a brief note from their principal advisor in support of the proposal. The deadline for submission of proposals and supporting material is 11:59 pm (Central time), February 15, 2021. We expect to announce the program in early April. Students may apply for the Society’s Sterling E. Murray Award for student travel. For further information, see our website. The application deadline is February 15, 2021. Students who have already applied will submit a note confirming student status as of August 2021; they may update their applications if they wish. At this time, we are accepting proposals only from scholars who plan to attend the meeting in person. We will explore possibilities of remote attendance for those who find themselves unable to travel in August, as circumstances dictate.