After a few COVID-related delays, Studies in Religion and the Enlightenment (ISSN 2661-3336) is delighted to announce that our special issue on “Global Borders” is now live. The editorial introduction and articles can be found at our website ( or via the links below.
Also, we are still accepting submissions for our upcoming issue on “Race, Religion, and Revolution in the Enlightenment” (Spring 2021) through November 1, 2020. Full CFP available here: Please email all queries or submissions to Sam Cahill at with “SRE” in the subject line.
Editorial Introduction
Global Borders: Power, Fragility, and ‘a kind of fiction’ by Samara Anne Cahill
“And all the crops of Asia flourish here”: Unsettled Boundaries between East and West, Landscape and Text in Eliza Lucas Pinckney and André Michaux by Thomas Bullington | Article
Dean Mahomet’s Travels: Multiple Borders, Cross-Cultural Spaces, and Syncretic Identity by Chandrava Chakravarty | Article
Powerful not Poor: Reading Fanny Price from a Buddhist Perspective by Kathryn Duncan | Article
“The China of Santa Cruz”: The Culture of Tea in Maria Graham’s Journal of a Voyage to Brazil by Nicolle Jordan | Article