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Innovative Course Design Competition - Deadline - 15 October 2022


To encourage excellence in undergraduate teaching of the eighteenth century, the Society invites proposals for the ASECS Innovative Course Design Competition, from members in any of its constituent disciplines. Proposals should be for a new course or for a new unit within an existing course; the course should never have been taught or have been taught very recently for the first time.


Applicants should submit a 750-1,500 word description of the course or unit and a draft of the syllabus. A major criterion for judging proposals is how specifically they address the course’s design, readings and other texts, pedagogy, educational technology, assessments, and/or activities. If the course has been taught, the essay should offer an assessment of its success.

Please submit proposals via email with the header "ASECS Innovative Course Design Competition" to the ASECS Business Office by 15 October 2022. Only proposals from current ASECS members are eligible.

The Committee will select the top three proposals and the winners will be notified by 15 November. The winners will be asked to develop 20-minute presentations for delivery in the Innovative Course Design seminar at the Annual Meeting and to submit a 10-12 page account of the unit or course, with a syllabus or other supplementary materials, for publication on the ASECS website.


The competition awards $500 to each winner.  Winners are expected to serve on the following year's prize committee.

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