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Women's Caucus - Émilie Du Châtelet Award - Deadline 15 January 2023


The Émilie Du Châtelet Award is an annual prize of $500 made by the ASECS Women's Caucus to support research in progress by an independent or adjunct scholar on a feminist or Women's Studies subject. The award is open to members of ASECS who have received the PhD and who hold neither a tenured, tenure-track, or job-secure position in a college or university nor any permanent position that requires or supports the pursuit of research. Faculty emeritae are not eligible. The award is meant to fund works in progress, commensurate in scope with a scholarly article or book chapter, for which some research is already under way. To be eligible for the prize, projects must advance understanding of women's experiences and/or contributions to eighteenth-century culture or offer a feminist analysis of any aspect of eighteenth-century culture and/or society. 

A year after receiving the award, the winner should submit a brief written report on the progress of the project. They will be asked to serve on the next year’s Award committee, and if they accept will receive a one-year free ASECS membership.  

Applications must include a curriculum vitae, a 1-3 page research proposal outlining the project and the candidate's plans for using the funds, and evidence of progress on this project (i.e., an accepted conference paper, a related publication, an essay submitted for publication, etc.). Combine all documents into a single Word or .pdf file and submit them. 

Submissions must be received by 15 January 2023 to be eligible for consideration. The winner will be announced at the Women's Caucus Luncheon and at the ASECS Business Meeting during the Annual Meeting.

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