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Women’s Caucus - Editing and Translation Fellowship - Deadline January 15, 2023


The ASECS Women’s Caucus Editing and Translation Fellowship, is an annual award of $1000 to support an editing or a translation work in progress of an eighteenth-century primary text on a feminist or a Women’s Studies subject. Editing and translation work of eighteenth-century texts in languages other than English are eligible. The award is open to all members of ASECS who have received a PhD. Proposals from Emeritae/i faculty that do not already have professional support for the project will also be considered. The award is meant to fund works-in-progress, commensurate in scope with a scholarly article to a longer scholarly and/or a classroom edition with a strong scholarly basis for which research and work is well under way, rather than work that is already completed.

To be eligible for the prize, projects must translate and/or edit works by eighteenth-century women writers or works that significantly advance our understanding of women’s experiences in the eighteenth century or works that offer a feminist analysis of any aspect of eighteenth-century culture and/or society. Projects typically fall within the period from 1660 to 1820.

Applications must include an abbreviated curriculum vitae that lists achievements relevant to the project, a three to five page proposal outlining the project, a two page bibliography of pertinent works, two letters of recommendation sent directly by the referees to the ASECS office, and a budget explaining the candidate’s plans for using the funds. The winner will be asked to submit a brief written report on the progress of the project one year after receiving the award, and whenever possible, will serve on the Award committee in the following year. Award winners will be requested to acknowledge this grant’s support in the publication that results from the project. The prize winner will be announced at the ASECS Annual Meeting and the Women’s Caucus Luncheon.

To apply for the Award, you must submit all of the following documents by January 15, 2023:

  1. Fill out the application form.

  2. Submit the form as a single PDF containing the following elements: a) an abbreviated curriculum vitae that lists achievements relevant to the project; b) a three to five page proposal outlining the project; c) a two-page bibliography of pertinent works, and d) a budget explaining the candidate’s plans for using the funds.

  3. Ask that your 2 letters of recommendation be sent via email to Prof. Angela Hunter, the committee chair, at Letters must be received by the application deadline.

Winners of ASECS Travel Awards and Fellowships are required to mention the award in the notes or acknowledgements section of any publication supported by the award.

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