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Race and Empire Caucus - Graduate Student Essay Prize - Deadline - 2 July 2022

The Race and Empire Caucus invites submissions for the 2021 ASECS Race and Empire Caucus Graduate Student Essay Prize. The Caucus welcomes essays that are revised versions of papers read at the regional and national conferences of ASECS and its affiliates (including the Society of Early Americanists, Early Caribbean Society, SHARP, NABMSA, etc.) between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021. The prize-winning essay will be considered for publication in the 2020-2021 volume of Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, and the prize will be awarded at the 2022 ASECS meeting. 

Submission guidelines: The competition is open to papers on any topic that combines the multifarious legacy of post-colonial and/or critical race studies with the analysis of eighteenth-century literature and culture. In previous years, panels organized by the caucus have addressed the global frameworks of European exploration, commerce, conquest, colonialism, and slavery in Africa, Asia, the South Pacific, and the Americas. We welcome papers that explore similar topics or any new aspect of the constitutive links between race and empire. 

Essays should be double-spaced, maximum 5000 words in length, with the following information appearing only on the cover sheet: your name, institutional mailing address and e-mail address, name of conference, panel title, chair’s name, and date of presentation. Please send submissions in Word document format to Julie Kim ( and Kimberly Takahata (

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